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Every element of a new system requires rigorous testing to ensure it is fit for purpose on the ‘Go Live” day. We have a dedicated team of expert testers that use industry leading technology and process to provide test management through every project.

Every element of a new system requires rigorous testing to ensure it is fit for purpose on the ‘Go Live” day. We have a dedicated team of expert testers that use industry leading technology and process to provide test management through every project.
Starting from the planning and scoping each project they identify risks and select the required tests. They manage the coordination of the test process and release management providing test metrics and final decision. Results and detailed and reported with ongoing monitoring to identify problems and implement corrective action.

The end-to-end testing process

Release Management

  • Organisation of the Release management process
  • Delivery of Software packages for developer, test and production environments
  • Adjusting the tools that support the process
  • Training

Management, design and Execution

  • Organisation of the test process
  • Planning, designing and testing
  • Test Monitoring
  • Test Reporting
  • Organisation of the test process in the project management tool / test
  • Training

Test Automation

  • Implantation of test automation tools
  • Automation of functional, performance and integration tests
  • Providing test automation methodology
  • Training

Implementation of tools

  • Analysis of the needs and current status in the organisation
  • Selection and implementation of project management tools and teats
  • Modification of existing process to increase their efficiency
  • Training


clothes iron, hammer, axe, flashlight and pitcher on brown wooden table
Matrix movie still
turned on gray laptop computer

The Testing tools and technologies employed include

Testing Tools – Testlink / Redmine / Jira/ HM ALM


Test Automation JMeter. / SoapUI / HP QTF/UFT. / Visual Basic. / Groovy. / Selenium
Utilising Axiametrics consultancy services delivers a rigorous testing environment, conducted by experience industry experts using the latest technologies to ensure that your project delivers seamlessly for users and customers.

Let’s chat

If you have any questions, or aren’t sure, get in touch. Whether you are an employer looking for your next hire or a candidate looking for your next job we can help you get on track.

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